Inviting pair to apply
AnsweredWhat needs to be done when inviting a pair to apply for them to receive the email?
I entered the pair information and also switched to the pair when sending the invite, and yet over and over. In all cases with pairs, the second party is not receiving the email.
Blend waits for the primary borrower to determine if the application will be shared or not shared based on how they answer the Getting Started section. If the application is not shared, the co-borrower will get an invitation after B1 completes Getting Started. Once this happens, LOs will have the ability to resend an invitation if needed.
For shared applications, the primary borrower will be able to enter B2’s information and submit the application. After the application is submitted, LOs will have the ability to resend an invitation to both borrowers if needed.
Please refer to Manage co-borrower experience to learn more.
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