If you experience an error with the Blend - KensieMae Technologies (KM) integration, the logs are the best source to understand why it occurred.
- To retrieve error and audit logs
- To copy the logs
- For Encompass administrators
- Repair the integration
Note: For Encompass users that utilize the KM plugin.
Retrieve error and audit logs
- Click the B button.
- Click View Logs.
The Blend Integration Logs will show four sections:
- Most recent web call
- Most recent web response
- Error Log
- Audit Log
The Error Log section may show messages indicating the root cause of the error.
The Audit Log will record the series of events that occurred within the loan.
You can scroll down through the logs. The logs will be displayed in chronological order.
Copy the logs
- Click the copy icon above the scroll bar.
- Paste the logs onto a blank document or notepad.
- Save the document and include it in your message when contacting Blend Support.
For Encompass administrators
Encompass administrators and users with access to the Blend Integration form can view the logs through Forms > Blend Integration > Developer Panel (Gear button).
Note: Access to the logs may require elevated Encompass access. If you don't have access to these tools, contact your Encompass administrator for assistance.
Repair the integration
If you fixed the issue after viewing the error log, the integration must be repaired. To repair the integration:
- Click the B button.
- Click Repair Integration.
- Save the loan.
- Check the logs for any new errors.
If you need help with troubleshooting error messages, submit a request.