Scheduling closing appointments can be a time-consuming process requiring a lot of coordination. By enabling the borrower to share their preferences for their closing appointment with their settlement agent through Blend and have their appointment confirmed, the manual back-and-forth process over email or phone can be reduced while keeping all involved parties in the loop.
- Traditional paper-based fallback and Hybrid Closing
- Schedule Closing Appointment - Traditional/Hybrid
- Remote Online Notarization (RON) Closing
Traditional paper-based fallback and Hybrid Closing
Once the borrower submits their location and time preferences, the settlement agent will see the following information under the “Closing Appointment” section within the Settlement Agent Workspace:
a. Preferred date and time slots
b. Preferred notarization method (in office or mobile)
c. Preferred location
The settlement agent will be responsible for finding a notary who will perform the closing appointment based on the borrower’s preferred notarization method.
Schedule Closing Appointment - Traditional/Hybrid
- Click Schedule on the Overview screen and fill the following information:
a. Date: This cannot be changed.
b. Time: A dropdown will appear with all time slot options for that day. The time slots chosen by the borrower will say “borrower preferred” next to them, but the settlement agent can choose a time slot that is not one of the borrower’s preferences.
c. Notarization method: This can be mobile or in office notarization. The borrower’s preference will say “borrower preferred” next to it.
d. Address:
i. Mobile Notarizations: The address entered by the borrower will be populated.
ii. In-office Notarizations: The settlement agent will fill in the address (but the address entered by the borrower will show up in a note indicating that the borrower would prefer to meet near that location).
e. Notary Information: The settlement agent will enter notary’s first and last name, email address, and phone number. - Click Continue.
- Click Schedule.
Note: Once "Schedule" is clicked, a confirmation email is sent to the borrower and the settlement agent is no longer able to edit appointment or notary information.
The finalized details will be shown under the “Closing Appointment” section within the Settlement Agent Workspace, and borrower preferences can also be viewed in the same section if desired.
Notary's contact information can be found in the “Contacts” tab.
Remote Online Notarization (RON) Closing
Blend’s Ops Desk agents will handle scheduling the closing appointment for RON (remote online notarization) closings.
When the appointment details are still pending, the settlement agent will see the selected Signing room under the "Closing Appointment" section.
Once the Ops Desk confirms the appointment details, the settlement agent will see the date, time, RON Signing room, and notary name under the “Closing Appointment” section.
The notary’s name, email address, and phone number can be found in the “Contacts” tab.
Questions on Blend Settlement Agent Workspace? Reach out to and we'll be happy to assist.