If you no longer need an application, you can remove it from your pipeline by archiving it.
- Archiving an application
- Searching for archived applications
- Viewing a list of archived applications
- Unarchiving an application
- Bulk archive or unarchive applications in Blend
- Things to note about archived loans
Archiving an application
Archiving an application requires the role permission "Archive loans" to be set to Always. To archive an application, follow the steps below.
- Open the loan and click the ellipsis (...) on the loan header.
- Select Archive loan.
- Click Confirm to proceed.
Searching for archived applications
You can still search for an archived application using the same values you normally use for a live application. Refer to Search for an application to learn more.
- Enter the loan number, borrower's name, or email address in the search bar located at the top of your pipeline.
To learn more about what other values can be used for searching, refer to Search for an application.
Note: Do not include a # sign before the reference loan number.
Viewing a list of archived applications
To view a list of all currently archived applications in Blend, click the ARCHIVED tab in your pipeline.
Note: Lenders will only see loans that their role permission allows.
Unarchiving an application
To unarchive a loan in Blend, search for the loan or locate it in the Archived tab. Once you've found the loan application:
- Open the loan.
a. Click the Unarchive loan button or;"
b. Click the ellipsis (...) and select Unarchive loan.
- Click Confirm to proceed.
After confirming, the unarchived loan(s) will now be visible in your pipeline.
Bulk archive or unarchive applications in Blend
You can archive or unarchive multiple Blend applications simultaneously.
To archive multiple loans
- Select the loans you wish to archive accordingly.
a. Click the checkbox at the top to select all loans in the pipeline page or;
b. Select loans individually. - Click the Archive loans button.
- Click Confirm to proceed.
To unarchive multiple loans
- Select the loans you wish to archive accordingly.
a. Click the checkbox at the top to select all loans in the pipeline page or;
b. Select loans individually. - Click the Unarchive loans button.
- Click Confirm to proceed.
Things to note about archived loans
- If an unarchived loan is untouched for 120 days (untouched is defined as not undergoing any action), it is then archived. It will then get permanently deleted after two weeks.
- If an active loan is intentionally archived via a user manually archiving the loan, the loan remains archived for 120 consecutive days, then it is permanently purged. If there is any activity on the loan, whether it is archived or active, it will reset the archive and purge clock.
- Archived applications are no longer visible to Borrowers.
- Deleted applications cannot be recovered.
Example: If a loan is manually archived and there is activity on the archived loan at the 100-day mark. This will restart the clock and the loan will have to go untouched for an additional 120 consecutive days to then be purged from Blend.