Loan officers can reassign loans to other loan officers or add other team members to the application to be part of the loan team. Once added, loan team members will have access to the loan in their Pipeline and will receive notifications related to the loan.
- Updating the loan team on an application
- Reassigning a loan application to another Loan Officer as the Loan Originator
Updating the loan team on an application
Follow these steps to add or remove a team member from a loan application.
- Go to the Application tab and click the Pencil.
- In the Edit Loan Team window, search for the users to update.
- Check the box next to the user to be added. Conversely, uncheck the box to remove an existing user.
- Click Save.
Reassigning a loan application to another Loan Officer as the Loan Originator
Loan Officers can reassign loans to other Loan Officers as Loan Originators.
- Go to the Application tab and click the Pencil icon.
- In the Loan Originator field, search for the Loan Officer you want to assign the loan to.
- Click Save.
Note: Anyone assigned to a loan can add/remove other team members.