You can sort columns and customize the Pipeline screen in Blend.
Sort columns
1. Click on the Column label to change the order from ascending to descending order.
Add columns
1. Click Customize.
2. The Active columns section represents your current Pipeline screen columns.
3. Select columns from the Add more columns section or you can also search for the column name.
4. Click Save.
Tip: Under the Add more columns section you will see a check mark for all columns already in your Pipeline.
Filter columns
1. Click Add filters.
2. Select the desired filter(s), multiple filters can be selected. You can filter your Pipeline by:
a. Days, Weeks and Months
b. Assigned to
c. Application status
d. Application source
3. Click Save.
- You can select multiple filters by checking more than one box within the filters.
- Blend gives you the ability to sort loans by Unassigned Loan Officer (a frequently requested feature).
- A number will appear next to the filter category to indicate how many filters are currently being used.
- Uncheck the checkbox to remove the filter.
Rearrange columns demo
1. Click the Customize button in the top-right corner of the pipeline.
2. Drag-and-drop the columns to suit your preference.
3. Click Save.
DISCLAIMER: All mentioned features on this page may not be applicable to your institution, please reach out to ( for more information on what features are enabled for your use.