Borrowers can disconnect already linked accounts through an Asset Statement follow-up.
First, request a new Asset Statement follow-up and invite the borrower to complete it. Then instruct the borrower to complete the following steps.
- Start the Asset Statement follow-up
- The next page will display all connected institutions. Instruct the borrower to click Edit next to the institution they wish to disconnect.
- This next screen will display the accounts linked under the institution selected previously. Instruct the borrower to click the X next to the account(s) they want to disconnect.
- Instruct the borrower to click Continue after selecting the accounts to disconnect.
- Lastly, the borrower can select Yes, add an account to add a different account or No, I'm all done to complete the task.
Loan Officers can verify that the accounts have been removed by navigating to the Assets section on the lender application.